What Our Customers Say About Us

2 Quad 303s and 33

Everything sounds great. I hooked everything up yesterday late in the day. I took your advice and hooked up the lows to one amp and the highs to the other. Sounds excellent, and I’m sure it will continue to get better as everything burns in a little bit more. I got them hooked up to a seas speaker kit that I built a couple years ago: Seas thor Kit to be exact. The sound stage is soo much broader and there is lots of power. There also seems to be much less coloration at higher volumes: very nice indeed. There seems to be a sweet spot for these speakers at just past half volume ?? Very nice.

Regarding the work: I think that you have done a tremendous job. Anyhow, I am very happy to tell you that everything works as good as new (probably better), and sounds fantastic. I appreciate the fine work you have done.

Colin M.

Quad 405

Thanks again for your fine craftsmanship. While I can’t really give a very coherent review using all the hot buzzwords, if anyone were to ask what your customers think about the full Dada mod, you can tell them that I, at least, say that the complete mod is worth every penny – to my ears and substantial experience with Quad 405s, it makes one of audio history’s best even better.

David M.

Quad 405

I played-back over 2 hours of CD’s. The sound quality was great.

I attached a separate testimonial, commending you on your fine work. Please feel free to post the testimonial, along with this email, on your website.

Stew Welcher, (DADA ELECTRONICS NORTH AMERICA), did an excellent job in upgrading my Quad 405 power amp. The sound quality is far superior to what it was prior to the upgrades. I highly recommend DADA ELECTRONICS NORTH AMERICA and Stew Welcher, to anyone interested in having their Quad electronics equipment repaired or modified.

Thanks Stew, Great Job!

Doug M.

Quad FM4

I setup myQuad radio yesterday and it works great.

Thank you.

And extra presets is always good.

Graham B.

Quad 520f

Initial impressions of the Quad 520f handling the HF in my biamplified system are very positive. Best sound from that system I’ve heard for quite a while.

Thanks again for your work on this.

Feel free to use my statement that “Stew took a quarter-century-old mid-fi amplifier and turned it into a high fidelity unit completely at home in a very high end system. Meticulous and effective work in every respect.

Colin M.

Quad 33

The 33 arrived this morning (very quick shipping from Canada!) and is functioning fully. When I get the chnace to sit and listen to more music I will be happy to comment on the overall result, but at first encounter I can tell why you were pleased with it! So far the brief est (DSOTM, as always…) leaves me feeling it has gained clarity and musicality – even the untutored ear of roomate has commented as such.

So, first off, many thanks for the superlative level of support you have given me in this process (is there a web site where I can write your praises?) which must have been trying for you too. Secondly, thank you for offering such a service in the first place. Others will be told…

In the mean time and until I can bore you with superlatives properly, my thanks again.

Marcus B.

Quad 405


Terry E.